Sunday, February 28, 2016

What to Watch: Kdramas of 2016 (spoiler free)

Hey everyone ~ first post of the New Year (despite it already being 2 months XD)

This list is going to be similar to my last blog post in the sense that it will also be about the best K-dramas of the year ranked by my opinion in a spoiler free manner; I’m just starting it a bit earlier because I feel that writing it as the year goes on and the dramas are fresh in my mind is easier than writing it all out at the end of the year.

I’ve been off to a good start this year in terms of watching dramas while they air – learning some self control :p. So I’ve already got quite a few shows on this list, and as I’ve mentioned I’ll be continuously updating it.

Enjoy~ and let me know anything I’ve missed or should watch in the comments :)

1.    Cheese in the Trap [currently airing]
This drama is a whole bunch of cuteness with eye-candy everywhere - from the leads to supporting characters. I’m holding off on reading the webtoon until the drama finishes airing (which is this week) because I don’t want to be biased towards the story. The plot is a simple slice of life one with some intriguing and unique mystery and dark elements. I feel like as the show winds down, it’s focusing more on the supporting character Baek In-ho (played by Seo Kang Joon) as opposed to the lead Park Hae-jin (whom I adore) that plays Yoo Jung. It’s my first time seeing the lead Kim Go Eun (who plays Hong Seol) and she is amazing all around and completely won me over. I’m hoping the drama can come to a nice finish, but I hear there is some issues between the cast, particularly Hae-jin and the directors/writers as well as some conflict with the original webtoon author. Fingers crossed it doesn’t get ruined and everything can be resolved well :/ It’s still enjoyable regardless for those who wish to pick it up now – it’s a binge show guaranteed.  

2.    Oh My Venus
Before you say anything, I am aware this show started airing last year, but since it ended this year (and my list from last year is too long already) I’m adding it here. The powerhouse leads are Shin Mina and So Jisub so this show was already a recipe for success. It didn’t have ratings that were too great, and the plot was kind of met with mixed reactions (i.e a girl losing weight and becoming pretty) but there was a bit more to the story to that, and if you push that aside, the cast chemistry and overall vibe to the drama was good. (Let’s not forget an amazing OST as well) A romance story that can give some motivation to those who have exercising on their new year’s resolution – myself included. Side note, Sung Hoon caught my eye – what a babe.

3.    Remember: War of the Son
I’ll do my best to keep this spoiler free as promised, but the overall feel of this drama was sad. Satisfying; but sad. It started off really strong, and Yoo Seung-ho did a great job portraying a boy who experiences hardships and then a young man who still has to face hardships. Park Min-young is a nice compliment to him, and they are both adorable. This drama sticks true to the plot and doesn’t deviate into the romantic elements which is a good or bad thing depending on what you started watching the show for. I think there was cute elements of their chemistry that were just enough without overdoing-it, but like I said if you’re into romance K-dramas, then this isn’t your cup of tea. Namgoong Min was such a scene stealer as the villain, I hope he wins some awards for his portrayal - he sure deserves it. Overall a solid story and the entire supporting cast were strong with a satisfying ending.

4.     Madame Antoine [currently airing]
As this show drags on I can’t tell if I’m frustrated or confused XD And if your watching this right now, you’ll know exactly what I mean. This is the first drama of Han Ye seul I’m seeing (and dang that girl makes everything she’s eating look delicious) as well as Sung Joon and they have good chemistry. Sung Joon is kina awkward for me at times, but I can’t tell if it’s just his character or him as a person (like I said I haven’t seen anything else he’s been in) so if anyone else can help clear that up for me down below I’d appreciate it J The story is a feel god drama which is needed in this time of makjangs and melodramas left and right. It looks like it might get sad as time progresses, but we’ll see how it goes…

5.    Descendants of the Sun [currently airing]
The amount of hype I have for this drama is no joke. Anyone that knows me, knows Song Joong-ki is my ULTIMATE man-crush. I was literally counting down the days till this he was out of the army, and then until the drama came out. The only reason it is ranked last for now is because it just started, and therefore isn’t much out to judge – but the first week was exactly what I was expecting and I can hope it will only go up from here. The production value put into this is no joke and the main casts as well as supporting characters are strong. Wishing the best for this drama in terms of ratings and public perception~ 

Well, that is about it from me for now. I do have some dramas from last year as well as this year I’m still in the process of watching, so I’ll be updating both lists as I progress through those J If there are any amazing dramas I missed that aired this year that you want to recommend, feel free to share~

Drama’s I’ve started/currently watching:
     a.  Moorim School (ep. 1 haven’t seen enough to comment)

Drama’s I’m Thinking of Watching:
a.       Reply 1988 (currently on 1994)
b.      Signal

Take care, Happy watching~

xoxo SiSi

1 comment:

  1. Really amazing! I don't know how you do it but I am flabbergasted by the awesomeness of your content and your website model! How did you get those sponsored links on the bottom of your article? Is it on the bottom of all your articles? Again! Really awesome.. keep up the awesomeness! :) Take care and God bless!!!
