Thursday, January 30, 2014

Manicure of the Week!

Hello everyone, I'm pleased to announce that I'm currently working on my first favorites video for the month of January, it should be out tomorrow if everything goes according to plan. I should post a blog post about it as well, including all the products mentioned, how much they cost and where to find them. 

Until then however, here is my manicure of the week. It's GEM Crush in 'Cha Ching' by Sally Hansen

I must admit it is a pain to remove because all of the glitter bits are stubborn and remain on the nail; nevertheless, I still love it. I recommend putting on a base coat of nail polish before you put the gem crush on for a cleaner and more bold result. You can check out my final product below!

Take care!
xoxo SiSi

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Manicure of the Week!

Hello everyone, this is just going to be another quick post from me :)

The nail polish I'm using this week is one of my particular favorites, and I shall tell you why in a second; first, let me tell you what it is called. 

This week I'm using 'Turquoise' by Bourjois Paris

There are many reasons why I love this particular nail polish: 

1. First, the color is amazing, though it is more suitable for summer, I will wear it whenever, reguardless. Everyone can always use a little extra splash of color in their lives ;) 

2. Secondly, it's a gel polish so it's much more long lasting than regular polishes in terms of chipping. Likewise, it dries really quick, when they say it is a '1seconde' polish, they aren't kidding. I have several colors of this brand and they all dry magically quick, it's absolurely brilliant. 

3, Lastly, the wand for the polish or the applicator (whatever you like to call it) is a thick fan-like brush which make applying the nail polish THAT much more easy. 

All in all, an amazing color and brand, therefore this is my recommended color for my manicure of the week. You can check out my final product below :)

Take care!
xoxo SiSi

Monday, January 20, 2014

Pretty Little Liars : Season 4B episodes 14 & 15 Review

Hello everyone!

So I have been kind of behind on my PLL (Pretty Little Liars) lately, but since we have a wonderful long weekend this week, it has given me a chance to catch up on the last week's and this week's episodes.

I could go into an excruciatingly long review of all the things I liked and disliked about the shows return, but rather, I've decided to break down everything that's happened into 10 major points with my commentary underneath. 

1. Haleb Breakup
I don't know if it's just me, but Haleb was one of my FAVORITE couples on the show. They have also been the most consistent - as in no break ups (Ezria) or no temporary dips into the dark side (Spoby) - and I feel like even though I understand that their breakup was necessary for Caleb to go back to Ravenswood (which I haven't watched since episode 3 - so idk if he's fallen for Miranda or not) the way it was handled was so sloppy. Not nearly as clean, or sweet as it could have/should have been. I don't know, there is so much more I could say, but they would all add up to me just being unhappy with the way their break up went down. R.I.P Haleb </3

2. Ezra Creepiness
Alright, I know I shouldn't be saying this but Ezra will always have this edge of hotness no matter what he does, at least in my book ;) That being said, I can't deny or ignore the fact that he went from MAJORLY attractive, to MAJORLY creepy (but still attractive) in the last two eps. I mean sneaking into Hanna's room, looking through her purse?!! That's a big no-no Mr. Fitz. I have to give props to Ian Harding, he's giving Ezra a major 180 degree flip in terms of acting, it's like we can see the crazy emanating from his eyes. Still don't know whether or not I believe he is 100% crazy or evil yet. Mona is onto something though, then again, she always is. I forget how smart she really is sometimes. I was surprised Ezra managed to maintain his ground when she was suggesting he might be hiding something. I'm not going to lie, I enjoyed the uncomfortable look on her face as she shuffled away once he retaliated. (Mona intimidated?! Guess Ezra is even more dark than we feared...) 

3. Spoby 
I'm pleased Spoby is getting a lot more screen time this season (with Toby disappearing a while towards the end of last season for reasons I can't remember)  There is some serious shade going on with the Hasting and DiLaurentis families. Glad Spencer decided to split and live with Toby. I hope he can get to the bottom of what happened to his mom, I had seeing him all sad, I miss bada$$ Toby.

4. Travis
Kinda cute, not as cute as Caleb, but we shall see if his relationship with Hanna can blossom into something to fill the void Haleb left behind...

5. Hanna got brains
On the topic of Hanna once more, she seriously either got smarter this season or has been smart this whole time and was just playing dumb. Nah, I doubt she could've been playing dumb - what would this show do without the classic Hanna lines. But it terms of character development she has shown the most. I'm pleased with her sudden forcefullness in thinking and producing theories... though her temporary fling with Mike was an unexpected and random surprise.

6. Emily & Aria Issues
I'd have to say that the two characters I'm least pleased with at the moment are Aria and Emily. Emily needs to get her feelings in check and get over this love / hate confusion she has for Allison, it's causing her to not think straight. Also, I don't blame Aria for not seeing into Ezra's creepy new demeanor but she is two timing my boy Jake, and that is not cool. I like Jake and can't wait for him to make his return, he is smart and I hope he can help Aria out.

7. Mama DiLaurentis
Shade alert. She is not alright, something is seriously off about this woman, but I guess we have to wait and see what it is.

8. Where's Mike?
Kind of random... but did they ever explain where Mike went? He just up and disappeared. I guess since he isn't really relevant to the show at the moment they don't need him. But I hope he makes a cameo or two this season - he's cute ;)

9. Allison
She is hella good at hiding, that's all I'm gonna say... *sigh* if she was or is afraid of Ezra, I don't see what could be SO bad about him, or what he could have over her that is so big, that she couldn't get some non-corrupt police officers to handle...

10. CeCe
I feel like we are going to see her name on the news headlines soon, for either being caught or dead. I dont mind either way, I feel like she wont give up any useful info if they catch her alive, so I don't mind her being dead. :p #heartless

Well, that's all I've got to say about these past two eps, all in all, I am sort of dying to know what happens, sort of not. I miss Jake and creepy Ezra has to tow down the creepy... (still cute tho ;P) Can't wait till Tuesday!

Let me know what you think down below!

Take care,
xoxo SiSi

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Manicure of the Week!

Hello everyone, so I haven't been inspired to write about anything else this week; therefore I shall leave you with another manicure idea. 

This week, I'm using 'rock the boat' by Essie 

It's a beautiful pastel-like color and the color payoff is great, but you need to apply 2 to 3 coats to get there (this is without using a nail base coat). 

You can check out my final product below :)
That is all for now, Take care!
xoxo SiSi

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Manicure of the Week!

Hello everyone!

So I thought I would finally post something that wasn't a story or rant... So I thought I'd share my favorite nail polish colors at the moment that I put on last night for my manicure of the week. 

It is 'bahama mama' by Essie and 'Scoundrel' by Butter London

I enjoy both brands a lot, and couldn't decide if I wanted to use the same color on my entire hand or not; so I decided to spice things up and use the Butter London on all of my fingers, except for the ring finger which I used the Essie polish on. 

You can check it out below :) 

That is all for now, Take care!
xoxo SiSi

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

A Little Bit Of Everything - ALBOE : intro

Hey everyone! So I just posted my first YouTube vid on my A Little Bit Of Everything channel. In case it isn’t obvious btw, that is what ALBOE stands for ;)

It’s short, about two and a half minutes long, but it explains what I hopefully plan to do on the channel, which is to post videos that are a mix of everything, kind of like this blog. The original idea was to upload a video each day, but if I barely managed to post on this blog do you think I’d manage to do that? :P answer: no.

So I reformed that idea and decided to post a video at least once a week, while also managing to write on here frequently as well :) I hope to stick to a schedule that looks like the one below:

Mondays: Media Mondays – music, movies, TV shows etc… something media related
Tuesdays: Tasty Tuesdays – something food related, like recipes and cuisines I recommend
Wednesday: Wacky Wednesdays – a random video, like a challenge or dare
Thursday: Throwback Thursdays – a story from my past that is either funny or something you can learn from
Friday: Fashion Fridays – something fashion related, like DIY’s or products I enjoy
Weekend (Sat. & Sun.) :  Whatever Weekends – IF I decide to post on a weekend, it’ll be something random, short, and sweet :) you never know what to expect!

So basically, depending on which day of the week it is, I hope to post a video corresponding to the topic assigned for that day :D

It’s my New Year’s Resolution to at least attempt to give this a shot, so subscribe if you are interested!

Also, here is my twitter if you want to reach me :

Sunday, January 5, 2014

What Guys Look For In Girls? Really?!!

Let me tell something to you guys, here is something some girls look for in guys… Ready?... some common sense.

Recently a video by vine star Nash Grier and his friends 18-year-old fellow Vine star Cameron Dallas and 20-year-old YouTuber JC Caylen attempt to depict to their primarily female demographic, what guys look for in a girl. HA. There are many media outlets, YouTubers and other people responding to the video, and it’s because these guys literally had to have had the region of their brain largely responsible for sensible actions and logic shut-off.

Pictured above: JC, Nash and Cameron with Nash demonstrating how much IQ was involved in the creation of the video:

I mean, I’m not a huge fan of all three, not for any reason in particular, but the things they post and talk about just don’t interest me… That being said, there are literally thousands upon thousands of girls who look up to these guys, and a sad but true fact is that a large sum of those girls will take everything these guys say to heart. It pains me to think that after watching this video, a lot of girls will have either a) lower self esteem or b) attempt to change themselves to match the mold of what these guys claim makes ‘an attractive female’. Some may even do both; it’s sickening, and wrong.

I’m sure that there is another percentage of females that watch this and gloss over it like it’s no big deal, probably saying that the boys are young… blah blah blah…  they didn’t know what they were doing, blah. But of those people there is an even smaller fraction that are going as far as defending what the guys are saying… And a large reason why is because they look like this:

Yeah, they are kind of cute. But that doesn’t give them a get-out-of-jail-free pass whenever they do something dumb. It’s another sad but true aspect of our society, people defend what should otherwise be disapproved of, but because the people who are saying it are attractive, that suddenly makes what they are saying practically holy. I’m someone who cant find someone remotely attractive even if they looked like an Adonis chiseled statue if their personality is repulsive. And let me just say that all three of these guys are looking pretty unattractive to me….

I’m not going to spend more time talking about this, because I feel that what happened was something silly, and a result of poor thinking on their part. A YouTube video by Nathan Z (The Third Pew) is one that pretty much sums up how I’m sure everyone feels about this matter – or if not, how they should feel about it. You can check out the vid here:

Well that is all I have to say, I hope we can all continue the New Year with wise actions and smart decisions.

Promising a more light hearted post next, I am off to go and  watch the new episode of Sherlock...

Take care,

xoxo SiSi

Happy New Year!

Well hello 2014!

I have to admit this year did go by EXTREMELY quick.

As for all those New Years resolutions people are coming up with, I mean no offense but how many of those ACTUALLY get done? I mean, I’m by no means one to judge seeing as how I usually don’t accomplish what I set out to do… #easilydistracted

I like to often set my expectations extremely low as to avoid disappointment. The upside to this is that if I end up accomplishing more than I set out to do, I’ll feel extremely good. I encourage you guys to try this as well.

Start out with setting one goal so that, even if there are other things you want to do, if you don’t end up doing them, you wont feel as bad.

What I like to do is instead of making a goal list, make an accomplished list. What is that, you ask? As you do things throughout the year that are out of your comfort zone, or just exciting in general - that you’ve always wanted to do, put it on a list. That way at the years end, you can see all of the things you managed to successfully do this year! Trust me, it’ll feel much better than seeing a list of resolutions you never managed to do…

My New Years goal (singular) since like I said -  I like to keep only one: is to continuously make posts on this blog.

Starting small... :) I always have many things I want to share and talk about but I never put in the little extra effort to share it with others. I plan to change that this year with this blog :D

What are some of your New Years resolutions? J

Never forget the most important thing is to stay happy and healthy...

Cheers to a wonderful year full of nothing but good things!

Happy New Year! Take care!

xoxo SiSi