Sunday, January 5, 2014

Happy New Year!

Well hello 2014!

I have to admit this year did go by EXTREMELY quick.

As for all those New Years resolutions people are coming up with, I mean no offense but how many of those ACTUALLY get done? I mean, I’m by no means one to judge seeing as how I usually don’t accomplish what I set out to do… #easilydistracted

I like to often set my expectations extremely low as to avoid disappointment. The upside to this is that if I end up accomplishing more than I set out to do, I’ll feel extremely good. I encourage you guys to try this as well.

Start out with setting one goal so that, even if there are other things you want to do, if you don’t end up doing them, you wont feel as bad.

What I like to do is instead of making a goal list, make an accomplished list. What is that, you ask? As you do things throughout the year that are out of your comfort zone, or just exciting in general - that you’ve always wanted to do, put it on a list. That way at the years end, you can see all of the things you managed to successfully do this year! Trust me, it’ll feel much better than seeing a list of resolutions you never managed to do…

My New Years goal (singular) since like I said -  I like to keep only one: is to continuously make posts on this blog.

Starting small... :) I always have many things I want to share and talk about but I never put in the little extra effort to share it with others. I plan to change that this year with this blog :D

What are some of your New Years resolutions? J

Never forget the most important thing is to stay happy and healthy...

Cheers to a wonderful year full of nothing but good things!

Happy New Year! Take care!

xoxo SiSi

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