Sunday, May 25, 2014

♫ Duble Sidekick Comeback Tracks Review [Hyoseong, G.NA, & Jiyeon] ♪

So for those of you that don’t know, recently Korean composers Duble Sidekick created three separate songs for the comebacks of Jun Hyoseong (leader of SECRET), soloist G.NA and Park Jiyeon (member of T-ARA).

[photocred: allkpop: left - Hyoseong; middle - G.NA; right - Jiyeon]

All three girls are currently promoting their completely different types of songs at the same time on various music programs and stages.  

Now, I haven’t listened to the full tracks on all of their EP’s/albums yet, so this will be just a review of the title songs they are promoting on the music shows which are:

“Good-night Kiss” for Hyoseong

“Pretty Lingerie” for G.NA

and “Never Ever” (1min 1sec) for Jiyeon

When it comes to overall sound (as in just listening to the song) I think Hyoseong has the most addicting track, but G.NA comes at a close second. Lastly would be Jiyeon (again this is just my opinion) not to say Jiyeon has a bad voice or anything, but the beat of her song in my opinion isn’t as interesting or addicting as the other girls’.

When it comes to the live performances, I would say Hyoseong also wins this category; she has interesting choreography and nice vocals - (thought I expected a bit more because she has a nice voice).

G.NA shed her sexier image for a more cute one in her performance, which is nice, but I’d rather just listen to her song since there isn’t anything too special on stage.

And as for Jiyeon I’m actually very impressed with her live performance, (I’d give her 2nd place after Hyoseong). I have to admit I was surprised when I heard she was getting a solo debut because other than the nice image and ok dancing and vocals she has, she never stood out to me as super talented in  T-ARA, but she proved me wrong and is delivering quite the performance.

All of their videos are pretty much the same for me in terms of enjoyment, so I would rank them al the same in that category.

You can check out the videos for all three girls’ comebacks below:

Overall I’d say Hyoseong has the best comeback. All songs and performances are great though so you should definitely check them out! Let me know what you think down below. Happy listening ~

Take care,
xoxo SiSi

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