Friday, May 16, 2014

EXO Kris Crisis

Wow… that was my initial response to hearing this. When the rumors came out I was hoping they weren’t true. Guess it is too late for that now…

Even though EXO debuted about 2 years ago, they have risen to be one of the most popular Korean idol groups in a while; selling over a million copies of their album, which has been unheard of since the 90’s.

I literally just took the time a few weeks ago to learn all of their names, download all their songs, watch all their programs, etc. in time for their comeback because, to be honest, they are a hardworking and talented group. SO you can say I have become slightly in love/obsessed. Imagine my surprise - JUST after I spent all of this time getting to know them - that one of the members, not just any - but one the leaders - Kris, is wanting out… shock.

The issue (for those of you that don’t know) is that Kris, one of the Exo-m members (leader in fact; pictured above) who is Chinese-Canadian, is apparently seeking the nullification of his contract from his company SM Entertainment because of inhumane conditions and being treated as if he is an object rather than being respected as an artist. The details of what the lawsuit will be about and who will be representing him can be read here:

Now, specifically for SM entertainment, this is not the first time this has happened, a few years back one of the greatest rising boy bands of the time DBSK (동방신기) [pictured below on top] had the same issue with their three members, now known as JYJ [the three standing on the left]. Super Junior [pictured below on the bottom] also went through the same thing with their member Hangeng.  I don’t want to re-dig up old wounds of the past issues though - if you want, you can look up the details of those yourselves. I will however let you know that the artists were successful in both of their cases against SM.


Now, I am someone who got into KPOP at the end of 2009 / beginning of 2010 so this is the first time something like this is happening to a group I’m into, at this large of a scale.

There is a lot of speculation as to what the members are feeling and doing at the moment, and since they all just made instagram accounts recently, it has been noted that they have all un-followed Kris. Whether or not this is their own actions, or whether their phones have been taken, and the company is controlling them is something we cant know for sure (though I seriously hope it is the latter – I’d hate to think that their “We Are One” motto was shattered so easily). Likewise whether Kris mentioned his desire to leave to them and they ignored it, or chose to keep it a secret altogether, are among the large number of things we can never know for sure, unless Kris and the members tell us themselves.

I implore everyone to let time sort this out. None of us were there, I’m sure even the members themselves are confused, so we cant really know what is happening for sure until we hear it from Kris himself. And if he doesn’t decide to open up, we will never know for sure. I hope you all don’t feel that you need to choose sides, I hope we can all support Kris in his endeavor, because it is no secret that his company does put it’s artists through difficult schedules, but that doesn’t mean we should abandon EXO as a whole either.

That being said, I also don’t think going back and overanalyzing Kris’s actions will do us any good, because he was a more reserved person to begin with. Drawing conclusions without fact wont do anything for anyone.

I’m not sure that continuing to have their concert - when it has been reported that Kris has not returned with the group to Korea - is a good thing since it seems the fandom is torn right now. At the same time it is their first solo concert so canceling it might cause a lot of setbacks. Nonetheless, what we need most right now is to believe in Kris and believe in EXO. It is not an easy thing to go up against a giant like SM so I'm sure Kris would appreciate love and not hate in this time. Same goes for the other members.

SM Entertainment on the other hand can use this time to get their act together, and their priorities straight.

*Note* I mean no ill-will to Kris or EXO so I hope I don’t offend anyone with the things I’ve said. I’m a fan like all of you, so let’s wait this out and hope for the best all together!

Let me know what you guys think down below!

Links to everything so far:
[Updated] Sehun & Chanyeol post on Instagram seemingly in response to the situation + several EXO members unfollow Kris:
EXO's Kris speaks out for the first time since news of his lawsuit against SM Entertainment:
SM says EXO's concert will go on as scheduled + insider reveals the other members probably did not expect Kris's lawsuit:

Thanks for reading; Take care,
xoxo SiSi


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi, i just knew this crisis on this morning and very shocked! I'm not a big fan of exo but i do like their song-growl. I also did watch some of thei pgrams, know their member even tough only some members i recognize their face. But stil, when exo on top and this crisis happen will affect their group. I like kriss because he is cool guy as person and also as leader. Maybe he is wrong because leave the group sudenly. But u know,if something that we cannot to endure or tolerate then we will take action.
    Beside that, SM are known to make their artist as slave. You know DBSK is my 1st korean group that i know. So, exo crisis preety similar with dbsk crisis. hope that all crisis will be solve without lawsuit. But, why i feel like kriss will never comeback to exo and will be like jay park- ex 2pm... just my thought..

    1. Yeah SM isn't the greatest of companies although they have some of the best artists! Hopefully it will all work out~
      Jay Park is doing great solo, maybe Kris can do the same ^^
