Saturday, February 22, 2014

Is Kate Cassidy (Laurel Lance from Arrow) Getting too thin?

Hello everyone, now I know it’s been a while since I’ve made a post… So I thought that this week I’d share some thoughts I had on one of the characters from the show Arrow

If you don’t watch Arrow, no fret, you can still read this post because it isn’t actually about the plot of the show (I plan to write that post sometime in the near future).

One of the characters portrayed by actress Kate Cassidy seems to be getting too thin lately… I don’t know if it’s just me who has noticed it, but ever since the second season started it seems to get progressively more noticible. I tried to find a relatively old, and new pic to try and show the difference.

I’m not going to write words like anorexia or bulimia or anything like that because I am neither implying any mental or physical illness, nor saying that she is getting TOO thin… I know as people age their faces can change, or if work load gets excessive you can shed a few pounds.

The thing is, that even if she did shed a few pounds and that is why her face seems more pointed and elongated, her neck looks soooo emaciated to me compared to before, and since arrow is my guilty pleasure show and she is a main character, it does feel kind of hard to watch some times because the difference is so striking…


I love Kate Cassidy, she was my favorite character in Monte Carlo and I think she is beautiful, so long as she is healthy that is all that matters.

I just thought I’d share since I haven’t seen many other people commenting on it, so I was wondering if it’s maybe just me that cares or noticed…

A new (and belated) fashion post should be up tomorrow :D!
Take care!

xoxo SiSi



  1. Yes I agree with you! The camera is supposed to add weight, so on that account she would literally be a toothpick. She looks sick & looks like she will snap. I hope she has people around her who will encorage her to be healthy.

    1. She looks horrible..wayyyy too thin,she doesn't look healthy that's for sure

  2. i think she had plastic surgery :( it's just speculation but this blog says it all:

  3. WAAAAAAAAAY to thin. I watch it with my older kids and they all think she is to skinny now. The show tries and make her look bigger by putting frumpy clothes on her. her jeans are super loose. Don't get me wrong I like modesty, I prefer it, but they will not put her in tight clothes anymore like they used to (we are only into season 2). She almost looks like a different actress. The author of the blog here has it right, " so long as she is healthy that is all that matters" I just don't think she is.
    poor famous people, everybody's watching

  4. I used to think Katie Cassidy was so beautiful on Season 1 of Arrow. Now, after her face augmentation and weight loss, I can't say the same. I dont get why celebrities mess with a good thing!

  5. Thats what happens when you have to train for intense fighting scenes. You become very lean and your whole body changes. She wouldnt be able to keep body fat on such a schedule. Only lean muscle.

  6. If only she binged on food like I binge on the the show Arrow... I just started to watch the Arrow. First watched Flash but I love this show. In the Flash I didn't like Oliver. Now with the back story I do. When I got to season 2, I was very surprised. I knew Sara Lance would change, I knew they'd add her in & want a more recognizable actress. I don't think they'd also make her a blonde, shorter, and larger. Don't mean fat tho. However after the drastic and hard to watch change of Laurel Lance, I guess not much should suprise me... Laurel looked so damn beautiful and now, not sure if it's because of the huge difference in her look or what but it's not the same. I look forward to the next scene that she isn't going to be in... yeah, it's that bad. Glad I'm also not alone. I've been meaning to look it up but thought maybe I was wrong. Clearly im not!

  7. Now especially on the Arrow if you look at her body. Her legs are so thin. She actually looks sick and I'm worried about her.

  8. I love Arrow! She was Perfect and so beautiful, naturally in season one. But in season two, her chin is so pointed & her arms are pencil thin. I wonder if producers made her lose weight? Some of her beauty has faded with the weight loss/surgery. Im sure she has loved ones who are watching over her.

  9. Yes there is lean muscle and then there is skin and bone. She is way more skin and bone as opposed to lean and fit. Compared to when she played Ruby on Supernatural to the current season of Arrow now is like night and day. I hope she is healthy of course and definitely would like to see her back at her "Ruby" weight but it's her body and if she is healthy then that is what's important.

  10. I think the whole reason why Felicity took over as the love interest is because Laurel was so unbelievable being as she was an emaciated love object. The show covered her up to try to hide the problem that was developing through season 2. And even at the end of season 2 Laurel was still giving the supportive "don't give up" speeches, but this whole persona was passed over to Felicity in season 3. Then they killed off Laurel all together. When the brought her back they made her as unlikeable as possible, which made me wonder if she was only there for contractual reasons. Anorexia is a terrible disease.

  11. In episode 13 season 6 her legs in the warehouse in the black skinny jeans are unbelievable thin.

  12. I'm watching season 8 and laurel is to skinny and her short blonde hair is not helping. Laurel was so pretty and body was awesome idk if she see"s what her fans are seeing,,I hope she realizes and gain some weight back

  13. I googled why she looks so thin and it lead to your article. WAY WAY too thin. I'm glad i'm not the only one who's noticed. Not the best role model for my teenage daughter who met her.

  14. I also googled why she looks so thin and came to this article. I have watched Arrow since the beginning. I was never a huge fan of the Laurel character and by season 2, I found her to be an unbelievable hero - due to her skinny frame and lack of muscle (not to mention most of the other characters went through a rigorous training - and she seemed to take boxing lessons and have a scream and she was suddenly on par with Oliver - lol) - but this latest season makes it truly hard to watch her. Nevermind the fact that her face has changed drastically - due to weight loss and cosmetic surgery - she is very very very thin. If she healthy, fine. But she was a full grown adult when the show started, so I doubt it's her face and body changing as she matures.

  15. Laurel Lance in Arrow 8 is too thin.. I find it not interesting to me watch her scenes..

    1. Me either. I struggle with weight gain and loss go thru my periods. But he legs and all around to thin and no super hero qualities. She would due even in a normal boxing real life competition. Never mind super hero. Love this show but she shoukdve been replaced when too skinny. Thin is nice but sickly bones sticking out is gross. Trust me been there and its a horrible feeling. Eat and work out and be healthy. This disease effects the heart and entire body.

  16. It's hard to watch the show because of her. It's not believable that that thin frame could bring down a powerful man. When they put her in baggy pants her ankles are ridiculously thin, to thin to be chopping people with them. Maybe she's super healthy but she shouldn't be on the show.

  17. Awe.... i agree w everyone! She was so damn beautiful on season 1, i loved just looking @ her beautiful face & those blue eyes & LASHES! Just stunning! Then season 2...:(
    I feel bad for her if it is an eating disorder, that's just so sad, & gawd i hope she didn't get plastic surgery on her face!! If it ain't broke don't try to fix it, RIGHT?? If she's healthy & is happy w herself, that's all that matters. Oliver Queen though!! The only reason I even started watching Arrow was to see him working out w no shirt on!! Yummy!! the show!!

  18. You're all disgusting. Take a look at yourselves and leave this human alone. The irony here is absolutely lost on you people. Find a healthy hobby, and worry about yourselves.

    1. Why so angry? Most people are trying to be supportive or show concern. Did this touch a nerve?

    2. Im assumming you have issues too if you wont support a disease. Trust me been there and its a sick disease and can kill you. Best of luck to you
