Friday, February 14, 2014

Valentines Day ♥

Hello everyone, it appears as though love is in the air... for some at least ;)

Yes, it is that time of year again, when the prices of roses and chocolate increase exponentially for one week only... none other than Valentine's Day

I created this little collage of all the things typically associated with Valentine's Day... the stereotypical chocolates, candy, flowers, and couples doing couple-y things. But as opposed to dreading V-day (cause you know... living that single life :P) I actually look forward to it.

If you ask me, I look forward to all the lame or sometimes impressive pick-up lines that can just be told for fun, and not in the interest of scoring a date.

I look forward to the romance flicks so I can watch them with my close friends, because I mean honestly, who wants to see a romance with their significant other?... totally kills the fun. Those films are made to be laughed at, cried at, and pretty much shredded by you and your besties.

I look forward to seeing everyone looking doe-eyed and the feelings of joy in the air...

I look forwards to the pinks,  purples, and reds everywhere and all the stores theming their displays...

And... I enjoy the cute little Valentine candy-grams that some people go around sharing for the sake of making people happy :)

Anyways, whether you will be spending this Valentines alone, or with someone you love, be sure to enjoy it! Leave the self loathing and loneliness with those chocolate wrappers in the garbage ;)

Have a wonderful night, and Take care!
xoxo SiSi

p.s since I didn't post a 'Manicure of the Week' this week, here is my Valentines inspired mani for the weekend ~

This is 'Hot Magenta' by Sally Hansen and 'Pink Diamond' by essie 

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