Tuesday, January 7, 2014

A Little Bit Of Everything - ALBOE : intro

Hey everyone! So I just posted my first YouTube vid on my A Little Bit Of Everything channel. In case it isn’t obvious btw, that is what ALBOE stands for ;)

It’s short, about two and a half minutes long, but it explains what I hopefully plan to do on the channel, which is to post videos that are a mix of everything, kind of like this blog. The original idea was to upload a video each day, but if I barely managed to post on this blog do you think I’d manage to do that? :P answer: no.

So I reformed that idea and decided to post a video at least once a week, while also managing to write on here frequently as well :) I hope to stick to a schedule that looks like the one below:

Mondays: Media Mondays – music, movies, TV shows etc… something media related
Tuesdays: Tasty Tuesdays – something food related, like recipes and cuisines I recommend
Wednesday: Wacky Wednesdays – a random video, like a challenge or dare
Thursday: Throwback Thursdays – a story from my past that is either funny or something you can learn from
Friday: Fashion Fridays – something fashion related, like DIY’s or products I enjoy
Weekend (Sat. & Sun.) :  Whatever Weekends – IF I decide to post on a weekend, it’ll be something random, short, and sweet :) you never know what to expect!

So basically, depending on which day of the week it is, I hope to post a video corresponding to the topic assigned for that day :D

It’s my New Year’s Resolution to at least attempt to give this a shot, so subscribe if you are interested! http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGz3KJ0lp09ol0eIRFkw13g

Also, here is my twitter if you want to reach me :  https://twitter.com/Sisi_Mo

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