Thursday, January 23, 2014

Manicure of the Week!

Hello everyone, this is just going to be another quick post from me :)

The nail polish I'm using this week is one of my particular favorites, and I shall tell you why in a second; first, let me tell you what it is called. 

This week I'm using 'Turquoise' by Bourjois Paris

There are many reasons why I love this particular nail polish: 

1. First, the color is amazing, though it is more suitable for summer, I will wear it whenever, reguardless. Everyone can always use a little extra splash of color in their lives ;) 

2. Secondly, it's a gel polish so it's much more long lasting than regular polishes in terms of chipping. Likewise, it dries really quick, when they say it is a '1seconde' polish, they aren't kidding. I have several colors of this brand and they all dry magically quick, it's absolurely brilliant. 

3, Lastly, the wand for the polish or the applicator (whatever you like to call it) is a thick fan-like brush which make applying the nail polish THAT much more easy. 

All in all, an amazing color and brand, therefore this is my recommended color for my manicure of the week. You can check out my final product below :)

Take care!
xoxo SiSi

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