Sunday, January 5, 2014

What Guys Look For In Girls? Really?!!

Let me tell something to you guys, here is something some girls look for in guys… Ready?... some common sense.

Recently a video by vine star Nash Grier and his friends 18-year-old fellow Vine star Cameron Dallas and 20-year-old YouTuber JC Caylen attempt to depict to their primarily female demographic, what guys look for in a girl. HA. There are many media outlets, YouTubers and other people responding to the video, and it’s because these guys literally had to have had the region of their brain largely responsible for sensible actions and logic shut-off.

Pictured above: JC, Nash and Cameron with Nash demonstrating how much IQ was involved in the creation of the video:

I mean, I’m not a huge fan of all three, not for any reason in particular, but the things they post and talk about just don’t interest me… That being said, there are literally thousands upon thousands of girls who look up to these guys, and a sad but true fact is that a large sum of those girls will take everything these guys say to heart. It pains me to think that after watching this video, a lot of girls will have either a) lower self esteem or b) attempt to change themselves to match the mold of what these guys claim makes ‘an attractive female’. Some may even do both; it’s sickening, and wrong.

I’m sure that there is another percentage of females that watch this and gloss over it like it’s no big deal, probably saying that the boys are young… blah blah blah…  they didn’t know what they were doing, blah. But of those people there is an even smaller fraction that are going as far as defending what the guys are saying… And a large reason why is because they look like this:

Yeah, they are kind of cute. But that doesn’t give them a get-out-of-jail-free pass whenever they do something dumb. It’s another sad but true aspect of our society, people defend what should otherwise be disapproved of, but because the people who are saying it are attractive, that suddenly makes what they are saying practically holy. I’m someone who cant find someone remotely attractive even if they looked like an Adonis chiseled statue if their personality is repulsive. And let me just say that all three of these guys are looking pretty unattractive to me….

I’m not going to spend more time talking about this, because I feel that what happened was something silly, and a result of poor thinking on their part. A YouTube video by Nathan Z (The Third Pew) is one that pretty much sums up how I’m sure everyone feels about this matter – or if not, how they should feel about it. You can check out the vid here:

Well that is all I have to say, I hope we can all continue the New Year with wise actions and smart decisions.

Promising a more light hearted post next, I am off to go and  watch the new episode of Sherlock...

Take care,

xoxo SiSi

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